Narah Faigal, COMCO Mundo

Narah Faigal, COMCO Mundo

  In a quick-paced life, everything you experience will seem like a blur unless it’s something really huge; such as an achievement or an event that will bring you to the highest depths of a certain emotion (whether positive or negative). While I do think I have a...
Hiacynth Ablanez, TARO AOX Inc.

Hiacynth Ablanez, TARO AOX Inc. I bet younger Hia would not believe me if I told her that she’s currently working at one of the excellent PR and digital...
Gabby Marcelo, TARO AOX Inc.

Gabby Marcelo, TARO AOX Inc.

  Appreciation post for whole #COMCOSquadron. Just want to share some of my #COMCOreMemories for keeps. March 2023, COMCO’s Epic 7 Years Anniversary celebration. I can’t talk about this day enough. We just finished our anniversary celebration at Vikings and some...
Mabel Villanueva, COMCO Southeast Asia

Mabel Villanueva, COMCO Southeast Asia

‘ULUL’ My COMCOre memory Let me share a story with you, one that I believe many of you can relate to, especially those who are scared to begin a new journey, feeling a bit lost, or struggling to recognize their talents. As a recent graduate, the transition...
Jaderick Buhay, TARO AOX Inc.

Jaderick Buhay, TARO AOX Inc. From faceplants to fireworks: My failure journey towards today I think the term ‘core memory’ gained popularity...
Hendrich Namoca, COMCO Southeast Asia

Hendrich Namoca, COMCO Southeast Asia *record scratch* Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. January 2023....