Ferds Bondoy, COMCO Mundo

Ferds Bondoy, COMCO Mundo

https://comcomundo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/An9-k4vvNNMV81c-n1ihozS_NLpTZNYMJAqIsCS-D4ewec8Jv7VXo7OcE1jaUvkw1ZS3q-NxAjhKdxmAODqfbPg.mp4 I was also asked of what’s my COMCOre Memory? Well, I guess that would be a lot, especially for me. It could be the time that...
Rachel Syfargo, TARO AOX Inc.

Rachel Syfargo, TARO AOX Inc.

In Chinese culture, 8 is the luckiest number as it means prosperity, wealth and success. But this year, as COMCO celebrates its 8th year, I believe I’ve had a different kind of breakthrough. I have always been highly introverted … I see myself as the ‘girl scribbling...
Joyce Yu, COMCO Southeast Asia

Joyce Yu, COMCO Southeast Asia

https://comcomundo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/An9HdOw1twysFzte5oYc1W9p30kTqgJl-yKWK87crSihQqEQCXhzWF7I5SMTw1f8o5uHOKJdDZs2QvUM9as_84RS.mp4 Growing up, I really don’t like the first day of school. You know—papakilala, nakatayo ka sa harap, tapos new...
AC Recio, COMCO Mundo

AC Recio, COMCO Mundo

  what is life but a collection of cherished memories? while years can go by in a flash, treasured moments and how they made you feel will stay with you your whole life.nothing exemplifies this more than my experience in COMCO for the last eight years. while...
Queenie Resmundo, COMCO Southeast Asia

Queenie Resmundo, COMCO Southeast Asia

https://comcomundo.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/An9uajRURsInfXFERPpFW1gG6eZZ9EPKxBrIbN_BvZiEcEWNxnp1dPFER16LJUoirhlkXn6I1UuFt-O7kvqeHd4.mp4   #STORYTIME! Na-try nyo na bang ma-ospital in consecutive days for different reasons? This happened a few years back in...
An Answered Prayer

An Answered Prayer

By: Mhyles Mercado It was mid-2022, downhearted and was looking for a new job. I applied as an Accounting Officer at COMCO. I did search about the company and got intrigued about the “Our COMCOSquadron” tagline. I even got more excited when found out they are into...