COMCO Mundo League of Enterprises, a global award-winning powerhouse group of communication companies, is inviting all students and fresh graduates of communications, journalism, marketing and multimedia arts, to be part of the 20th cycle of its award-winning Camp COMCO Mentorship Program.
The Camp COMCO Mentorship Program is a communications apprenticeship program designed to transform students and fresh graduates into revolutionary practitioners of the industry. With its intensive and comprehensive talent incubation sessions and industry linkage programs designed by COMCO Mundo’s pool of experts, Camp COMCO has been recognized for producing high-caliber young communications professionals since 2016, including alumni that work in the agency today. It has garnered 110 graduates that are now inducted as creative rebels and industry rockstars.
For this cycle, aside from its comprehensive on-the-job training, Camp COMCO apprentices can expect to participate in more exciting activities that include a series of mentoring sessions with industry experts, multi-platform content development and creative presentation, highly anticipated brand events and multimedia production, the newly reinforced individual and team goal setting and career coaching, and ultimately, the House Wars competition, the program’s culminating initiative that allows everyone to exercise their communications planning and presenting skills with actual brand campaigns!
The 20th Cycle of the Camp COMCO Mentorship Program is set to kick-off soon! You may send your applications at
To know more about COMCO Mundo League of Enterprises and the Camp COMCO Mentorship Program, visit Follow them on social media: on Facebook,, and @comco_mundo on Instagram.
About Camp COMCO Mentorship Program
Built by the Agency’s pool of experts, Camp COMCO Mentorship Program is an intensive and comprehensive talent incubation initiative, industry linkage course, and apprenticeship program designed to transform communication, marketing, and multimedia arts students and fresh graduates into revolutionary practitioners of the industry. It won the Excellence Award for Communications Training and Education and was a finalist for Top Award for the same category in the Quill Awards of IABC (International Association of Business Communicators and the Gold Anvil Award for Specialized Public Relations Program from the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP).
About COMCO Mundo League of Enterprises
COMCO Mundo League of Enterprises is the parent company and umbrella group of COMCO’s existing and upcoming ventures and initiatives – a collective of agencies, companies, and programs dedicated to advancing the communications profession and related disciplines such as digital, media, advocacy, training and education, and entrepreneurship; to being a force for social change; to nurturing talent growth and workplace community culture; and to championing borderless collaboration. The COMCO Mundo League of Enterprises is comprised of COMCO Southeast Asia, COMCO Middle East and Africa, TARO AOX Digital + Integrated Communications, SEA Wave Pop Culture Studio, Camp COMCO Mentorship Program and Alumni Society, and Citizen COMCO Advocacy Program.